Revelations of The Sky:
133 passages on the alchemy of grief
by Dr. BethAnne K.W.
BRONZE AWARD 2021 LIVING NOW BOOK AWARDS in the Enlightenment/Spirituality category. Recognizing the year’s best Books for Better Living.
In the final book in the Lamentations Trilogy, Dr. BethAnne explores the ongoing impact of a sister's grief, the power of an open heart, and the potential that opens when we follow our dreams and say yes to becoming a higher expression of ourselves.
Revelations of The Sky is the finale to a story that began when the author lost her brother and took a rite of passage through love and loss; continued when she moved to the island of Kauai in search of spiritual growth and reinvention; and concludes with the outcome of her leap of faith — a journey filled with unexpected twists that ultimately brings the author deeper into the heart of the universe, the heart of love, and the heart of herself.
Brave. Real. Filled with healing and insight: Revelations invites the reader to reflect on their own possibility and the remarkable changes that occur when we say yes to Love and the voice of our soul.
“In Revelations of the Sky, Dr. BethAnne’s words bring such warmth; she speaks of her life experiences with a profound tenderness in her heart. She allows us to personally feel what it is to be beautifully human, to sit in the uncomfortable spaces and come out stronger, to love oneself despite loss. Each passage illuminates how we have a limitless abundance of love and the capacity to live the most courageous life if we so trust in the Universe to provide such for us. Her vulnerability is woven throughout her stories and poems; she possesses an incredible gift to connect the power of words to the emotions of the heart. BethAnne’s journey will inspire you to live in your heart magic, to seek out the rainbows, and to forever shine in your most radiant light.”
— DR. ALYSE SNYDER, Eastern Medicine and Spiritual Retreat Leader
“Dr. BethAnne K.W’s words are heavenly tuned instruments of beauty, prose and grace. In Revelations of The Sky, BethAnne walks us through the many colours of grief without fear, judgment or hesitation; just a knowing hand to guide the reader into the depth of their own experience by moving through hers with an open heart. From heart-achingly honest stories to breathtakingly divine poetry, Revelations of The Sky is a book of such sincere and spirited wisdom, I felt held amongst its pages of inimitable light. Bring your grief into a conversation with this beautiful book and let it transform your ache.”
— KRIS FRANKEN, author of The Call of Intuition and Joyful Abundance Oracle Deck
“Picking up BethAnne’s book is like taking a dear friend by the hand and sitting down for a cozy, meaningful and most-heartwarming of chats, where you do most of the listening because there is so much warmth and wisdom being shared amid the sufferings of our very human lives… and you feel you are genuinely being heard at the same time. I was instantly drawn into BethAnne’s world, which she so intimately and honestly relates out of what I perceive as a very earnest desire to connect with her readers and even more, for us all to commune in a shared space of healing. Her words are truly a balm. Seamlessly weaving together poetry, personal reflections and gemlike musings and affirmations, with this third book in her trilogy on grief and transition, she bravely tells of her move from Alaska to Hawaii and of the death of her beloved dog Sam. In doing so, she sends the important message that even the changes that we choose as opposed to the ones thrust upon us are not necessarily any easier to navigate, and that we should, no must, go gentle on ourselves. This is perhaps my favourite message in a book full of wholly relatable and wise words: that no matter what we have experienced, and what or whom we have lost, we can always choose to be kind to ourselves, and approach our every challenge with love. I’d like to thank BethAnne for sharing her loving and knowing heart with us so completely that she inspires us all to do the same.”
— TAMMY STONE TAKAHASHI, author of the poetry collections Formation: Along the Ganges and Back Again (as Tammy T. Stone), and Land
“Revelations of The Sky arrived in my life at a pivotal time. I’d long been a fan of the way BethAnne creates a comforting haven with her words, a safe place to be human and experience change and grief, hope and love, right alongside her. When I read the first book of her trilogy, I relived the grief journey I’d been on (and will always be on) surrounding my mom’s death. As I settled down with this third installment, I reflected on my current grief process (having lost my dad just nine months ago), and how this loss began swirling together with the anguish of losing my mom years earlier. I’ve been trying to process the idea of losing both beloved parents, which has effectively left me an adult orphan, plus preparing to say goodbye to our 135-year-old family homestead (built when my great-grandpa immigrated from Italy in the late 1800s).
“And I’ve traversed another journey similar to BethAnne’s as well, an inner and outer odyssey that began in the fall of 2015, one year before my husband and I moved permanently from the U.S. to Italy. Uprooting all that I was familiar with (culture and language and more), knowing not a soul in my new location, in a quest to get back to my roots, back to me. Taking this courageous leap into the unknown, in a country vastly different than my own, to pursue a wildly impossible dream (renovating an old villa ourselves and hosting women’s retreats in our home) has been an adventure like no other. Nothing has ripped me open, and yet fulfilled me, so completely. Oh my, what an intense (and often agonizing) learning curve, a curve I admit I’m still on.
“I found solace and compassion and sisterhood in BethAnne’s words. Because she knows how to write. And she knows how to write in a way that gets to the depths of your soul, taking you along on her ups and downs, visiting both triumph and despair. I needed this book right now. I’m just ending a painful two-month bout with shingles. I’m missing my sons in the states even more keenly than usual, with air travel to Europe cut off. And on the day I read the last entry, my best friend in Italy lost her mother to COVID-19. As BethAnne so beautifully notes in the passage My Heart, My Home… “I’m wrapping back around, spiraling deeper inside, finding a bigger sense of integration and pattern.” Yes. Yes, I am. And I will probably be doing that, leaning into and learning from each physical, mental, and emotional shift, forevermore. It’s nice to have company. ”
— APRIL M. LEE, Holistic Life & Wellness Coach at essence7 wellness
“This is the third in a series of books that Beth Anne began to write as she endured the power of grief losing her brother Brent. Her ability through the innocence of loss and the wisdom of her heart makes grief a powerful journey of transformation. Each word becomes an unfolding of love that provides the self-awareness and self-fulfillment we are each seeking. You will join her in her exquisite revealing of life as it embraces the beauty all around you. She writes in such a natural way that you will feel her words in the deepest part of your being, and you will know the deepest yearnings of your soul.
“This is a book you will treasure and keep by your bedside to remind you in your darkest hour that love permeates all that you are or will ever be. She will open your heart and let the light shine once again. I cannot recommend this book enough as I send people who have suffered loss to her writings and this book for me is her best.”
— JANET VENTURINI, Spiritual Mentor & Life Coach
“Revelations of The Sky is a tender and intimate homage to endings and beginnings, the art of letting go, and resilience. Like ripened fruit on the branch of grief, this conclusion to BethAnne’s Lamentations trilogy is sweetened with the mature reflections of one who has truly surrendered her heart to the sacredness of grieving and its transformative force. Encouraging us through her example to “love, feel, break, heal, release, remember, repair, and renew,” BethAnne shares deeply personal narratives —lush with roses, jungles, moons, guava berries, planetary shifts, mossy trees, etc. — that reveal gentle paths, at a sensitive pace, through the wilderness of loss. From its Alaskan genesis after the demise of her beloved brother, to the jungles of Kauai where she bid adieu to her precious dog, BethAnne intuitively navigates the rich love-lessons that powerfully connect all experiences of grief and these experiences with all of life.”
—CATHERINE L. SCHWEIG, founder of Journey of the Heart Project, Editor of the award winning Goddess—When She Rules: Expressions by Contemporary Women
“Revelations of The Sky is an odyssey of one woman’s realness. Dr. BethAnne’s story unfolds as naturally as the sea kisses a shore — sometimes stormy and other times gentle. There are moments of tender grief and disappointment. However, each moment teaches a depth of her knowing and insights. This book holds a journey of happenings which are both beautiful and vulnerable. Revelations of The Sky is a must read for anyone who has experienced a loss, change, midlife crisis or needing to feel heard. You will not be disappointed.”
—CAROLYN M. RIKER, poet & writer of Blue Clouds and The Colors I Hear
Dr. BethAnne K.W., PsyD, is deeply passionate about inspiring authentic change in others. A Spiritual Psychologist, Intuitive Channel, Writer, Speaker and Artist she blends the worlds of psychology and spirit to offer dynamic teaching on healing and transforming our relationship with ourselves.
She is the author of the award-winning grief book, Lamentations of The Sea and its sequel, Transformations of The Sun, as well as several books of poetry and a children’s book. Through her writing, in-person talks, and online courses, she uses a variety of creative mediums to inspire others to find their heart magic and step into their divine potential.
Her life underwent profound change when she lost her brother in 2016, which became the catalyst for leaving her longtime home of Alaska and moving to the island of Kauai to live more intuitively, spiritually, and creatively.